Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Parental Behavior Helicopter Parenting - 1069 Words

The term â€Å"helicopter parenting† comes from the parenting style of overparenting. This particular type of parental behavior gives the title to parents who have a tendency to â€Å"hover† over their children in order to protect them from failures, disappointments, harm, and faults. Although these type of parents mean well and think that it’s natural defensive instincts and all out of love, by always watching your children’s lives closely and hovering over them it actually affects them when they enter adulthood. The category of parents who are helicopter parents are mainly those who were born in the Baby Boomers generation and are overparenting some of the X generation and mostly the Millennials. The reason for this being is that just as the†¦show more content†¦Constantly intervening, an example of a helicopter parent (that has happened before), is one who contacts their student’s professor to complain about a grade the student received who was unhappy about it and told their parent, unable of speaking to the professor first on their own to finding a solution like an adult. Other examples not so over the top but that have the same affect, go as far as making sure their child woke up in time for their college classes, or job. â€Å"Individuals at schools, college universities, and summer camps began noticing a trend in parenting style. Whereas the previous generation was more hands off with their children, the parents of millennials were overly active in their childrenâ€⠄¢s lives.† (Health Research Funding). In another nationwide study of college students, â€Å"38 percent of freshmen and 29 percent of seniors said their parents intervened on their behalves to solve problems either â€Å"very often† or sometimes†. (Anna Almendrala) Basic negative effects that helicopter parents cause on their grown-child as they emerge into adulthood, is not knowing how to do their laundry, clean up after themselves, or even cook a well-prepared meal! Negative effects can also be noticed at an early age in a child, when they are incapable of ordering for themselves at a restaurant and need the help ofShow MoreRelatedParenting Styles And The Parenting Style Essay1594 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Parenting style used by caregivers plays an important role in the child’s development and learning, specifically social emotional learning. Parents play a big role in their child’s academic achievement, especially depending on the parenting style use. 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